Saturday, May 24, 2008

reimagining church

This blog begins with a dream. It begins with hope. It begins not with despair, not with with cynicism, and not with pessimism -- but also not with contentment, not with satisfaction, not with a willingness to settle for the status quo or a passive resignation to the way things are.

Yes, we begin with a dream. We begin with hope.

And we begin with a conviction that the church can be something more -- that God wants it to be something more.

We begin with a belief that the church is a sleeping giant, that God is eager to breathe into us a breath of new life, and that if only we'd open ourselves to the moving of the Spirit, we could be a powerful force for God's transformation in the world.

And we begin with a certainty that some things must change.

So let's begin. Let's begin a conversation. Let's begin a movement. Let's begin a revolution.

1 comment:

scituatedrev said...

Great start Allen - and I really love that you used Shane Claiborne's quote to establish the tone and spirit of our endeavor together. Awesome!

So, what next? We begin reading and commenting/blogging on our thoughts? Forgotten Ways, chapter one....